Kuku Oladayo Rasheed, a member of the renowned Balogun-Kuku family of Ijebu-Ode, is the Team Lead at Dee Royale Ventures and Events Management. With a Higher National Diploma in Business Administration and Management, he has over 15 years of business experience and more than a decade as a business owner.
His entrepreneurial spirit, sharpened through internships with a renowned events manager and content creator, has enabled him to excel in various industries, including events management, graphics, and professional cleaning services
How do you balance your role as a team lead at Dee Royale Ventures with your entrepreneurial ventures?
Balancing my role as a team lead with entrepreneurship role has not been easy. However, it take self determination and dedication to do such. I tried do bring my team up to speed and they know how to cover for my absence that it will seem almost unbelievable that I’m not there.
Drawing from your involvement in community initiatives, how can SMEs contribute meaningfully to social causes while balancing business priorities?
SMEs can contribute socially through getting involved in their immediate community. They need to make themselves available whenever their is the need for any social gatherings while not also neglecting their own business because that’s a priority too. By getting involved would benefit them as much as it’ll benefit their community too.
Given your dual expertise in graphics and professional cleaning services, how have you effectively marketed these niche services, and what strategies would you recommend to other SMEs in specialized industries?
Honestly, these are areas or jobs i do on side when I’m free. I learnt graphics as a way to improve my business and myself knowing that these are jobs that the world is longing for. The cleaning services is just bcos of my love for cleaning and i decided to channel it to making money for myself. So far so good it’s been good
What tips would you give SME leaders on managing multiple responsibilities effectively?
My advice for SME leaders is to believe in what they do, keep pushing and be truthful and dedicated